We feel that uniform makes the children look smart, promotes a sense of identity, pride and belonging and counters peer pressure to wear unsuitable clothing.
Uniform items carrying the Martinshaw logo are available by request using the form below. It is not a requirement that items carry the school logo; some families prefer to buy clothing in the school colour elsewhere.
The school uniform comprises of:
PE kit will be plain white t-shirt, plain black/navy/royal blue shorts plus plimsolls and a change of socks as appropriate. Additionally, for outdoor PE in key stage two, trainers are needed together with plain tracksuit or jogging bottoms & plain sweatshirt (not baggy) for when the weather is cold.
If any parent feels that providing school uniform is a problem, then they are invited to speak to Mrs Proudman, in confidence. All items of clothing and other belongings brought into school should be clearly named. The Local Authority does not accept liability for loss of, or damage to, personal property.
Prices for school uniform are as follows:
You can now order your child’s school uniform in 2 easy steps: STEP ONE: Complete the following uniform request form STEP TWO: Using the quick links icon on the right-hand side of the screen, log in to your ParentPay account to make payment (you will need to type in the amount as shown on your total) Once we have received both the request form and cleared payment, we will arrange collection of your items.